Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Lied, Johnny Isn't Dez and That's Really Our Fault

Yesterday I said I missed the blog boat on Johnny Football. But I'm not writing for the crazy Ad clicks cash, so let's talk about what went down yesterday with Johnny, the NCAA and the reaction of Oklahoma State fans.

It's often difficult to separate "those are the rules" from "those can't possibly be the rules, that's idiotic" when dealing with the NCAA. Yesterday, Twitter, and Oklahoma State fans, including myself struggled with the differences. To recap, for exactly zero of you, Johnny I cant even remember his last name was suspended 1 half of one game for inadvertent violation of the rules. The statement on the NCAA website says
 Due to an inadvertent violation regarding the signing of certain autographs, Texas A&M declared Manziel ineligible and submitted the following conditions for reinstatement to the NCAA:
Johnny talked to the NCAA, admitted he signed autographs and denied taking money for them. Technically he was suspended because he "should have known his autographs would be sold" Really, he was suspended for the simple fact that the NCAA can't make anybody but Johnny talk. Nobody else talked, the NCAA and Texas A&M can't make anyone else talk. We end up with Johnny should have known. Johnny and A&M got away with it because he used the NCAA's unenforceable rules against them.

Dez on the other hand lied to the NCAA, which is a violation of NCAA rules on unethical conduct . "But Poke! He lied about something not against the rules!" Should be the point, but it's not, and this is where we arrive at "that's stupid that can't be the rules" Student athletes can't lie to the NCAA. The problem is the only way the NCAA proves student athletes lie is cooperation from others. Cooperation that can be "encouraged" by the university. Dez was suspended because we encouraged everyone to talk.

As Oklahoma State fans are we mad the rules are stupid, unenforceable, or that we helped hang our own player out to dry? A simple no comment from everyone involved but Dez would have kept Dez on the field. NCAA rules are stupid, but we made it worse.  

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